Showing posts with label Springfield Mass. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Springfield Mass. Show all posts

Saturday, May 23, 2009

From Mary - After the wedding - 1911

These typewritten letters don't require the guesswork in reading handwritten ones. The letter's tone is more factual than the one from Ivy Elizabeth.

May 31st, 1911

Dear Dora,
Am all by my lonesome just now so will try and write you a letter. Haven't written since we received your letter and postals from Linwood as I didn't think you would be back in Springfield before the 1st. How provoking that you could not have the house; we needn't have hustled the things off, but it is just as well --they are done with. Ma was very anxious to know if your hat arrived safely; suppose it did since you have not said anything about it. What a pity your muslin dresses were not quite ready to wear, it has been so hot and you must have needed them. Miss Fletcher wonders if you took your wedding dress with you; suppose she thinks you ought to have done. If you only took things that were overlooked and some that could not be put in; your hat with the leaves on and Ned's derby could not be sent without sending abother box. If there is anything that you want before you come home why we can send another box.
You certainly have done some galavanting around since you left home; I should think you would be glad to sit down at home for a while and collect your wits. We have almost got back to our normal state after so much excitement. Mary H. and the children, Edith and Auntie stayed at the house the night of "the wedding" and all except Auntie went home the next day. Mr. Moffett went home with Mrs. Mitchell and Daisey but came back later in the evening. Tell Ned the "best man" was all right; wished he might have stayed longer. Ivy and Edith did their best but I don't know which one came out first; they said one of them would pass him a plate of sandwiches or something else and the other would follow just behind with the same thing to see which he would take from -- when they found out I suppose they gigled (sic). Everybody said the wedding at the church was very "sweet" etc. Mrs. McWilliams was at church with her hubby last Sunday; she introduced us all to him. Say, but he is all right so far as appearance is concerned --he is very tall and dark and good looking, and appears to be a nice man. I wanted to thank her for the plants but several people butted in just when I was going to so I will have to try another time. I suppose you thanked her at the time she offered them but I think some of us ought to say something about themt too.
The Sunday following "The Wedding" Ivy, Marguerite and I took a trolly ride to Great Barrington and visited the boys; we stayed until six o'clock and the boys went over to John Heeremans for tea. We met Fred, Uncle and George Folsom on the car going down and we told Fred we expected to go over to John's as we had some wedding cake for Kitty--when we found out the boys were invited for tea I said nothing about going over and gave them the cake to take; I thought there would be too many. It appears, however, that she was expecting us three girls and had the table all set; am sorry we didn't go as they are leaving there for Scarborough (on the Hudson) the first of June. The boys have been very busy the last week; last Saturday night, or rather early Sunday morning, I was awakened by the door bell ringing and went down and found Charlie there with a huge box of flowers he had got off the train from Boston; Mr. Pike had brought him out in the auto. He had to get up early the next morning and start off for Barrington much to his disgust. He had five hundred carnations and some other flowers in that box and they sold every one. Bert came out Monday night and went back to Pittsfield on the last care to get two hundred roses off the same train; he stayed at the express man's house until five o'clock and went down on the first car; they sold everything they had. Both of them appeared again yesterday afternoon--everything was sold and hey had nothing to stay for so thought they would come home; Charlie called up Marguerite and she came out for supper and they went to Pittsfield at 6:45. Jessie had gone home but came home on the seven o'clock train so Bert saw her for a litle while. They both went back to Barrington last night. Marguerite was out Sunday afternoon and took tea with us on the veranda; she doesn't mean to neglect us.
Have you written Mabel? I sent her a postal the other day (it must be more than a week ago) and said her box arrived safely and that I would write soon; thought she might be anxious about it. That was nice cook book Carrie C. sent you; I have ordered three through Blatchfords - one for us, one for Mary H. and one for Aunt M. They all agreed that it was a fine book. I hope all the glass reached you safely and that you didn't break any of it in unpacking--it was put in between clothes, etc.
I went to out banquet last Thursday evening-wore my new dress and had some cranberry sauce spilled down the sleeve; fortunately I was able to wash nearly all of it out. We didn't either of us go up to the Y.M.C.A last Monday evening; I was tired and Ivy helped Pa to plant potatoes--she too has gone back to the soil "from whence she sprang" she says. Ivy has written you and told yiu all the news that I have forgotten suppose -- all about Togo catching a "huge" muskrat, the new refrigerator, etc. I must stop now as it is nearly twelve.
Give my very best love to Brother Ned.
Your loving sister,

Have hurried with this letter in order to get it off this noon.